Wing Vilma - Safe By Night (LP - Green)
Digital Download Included with Vinyl Purchase.
Wing Vilma is a title Milicent Coleman has been using for just under a year. Her debut album was created by harvesting found sound and crafting percussive sequences and melodic texture. Her work is rooted in exploring the non-conventional jazz structures and grooves in an electronic context. Vast layers of dynamic percussion move vaguely familiar instrumentals across the soundscape to take the listener through the many rooms of thought housed under Coleman's ideas.
At 19, this young Grand Rapids native has proved that her ear for captivating arrangements and non-conventional production styles rivals that of her seasoned peers. “Safe by Night” takes its time establishing mood and tension through extended rhythmic movements, often culminating in euphoric, dense finales.
Wing Vilma’s “Safe By Night” is now available on forest green vinyl.
Track List